No sooner had the stall been set up, the locals soon began arriving, and ensured that the beautiful sunshine was not the only thing to warm them. John, Russ and Jason were soon handing out leaflets to passers by, as Rob and Simon were busy with people, literally lining up at one stage, wanting to sign the petition. It was obvious that this topic was very heartfelt by ordinary people, as donations came in as well as signatures.
One lady donated five pounds, and told Jason that she had young grand sons fighting ''this evil war for nothing'' in Afghanistan. Another sprightly lady of Eighty Eight, told the activists that she has made helmets in the last war, and her husband, also Eighty Eight, had fought in The Battle Of Britain. The sad thing in all of this, is that her husband is, in her own words, ''afraid to go out at night''. She also mentioned that Halesowen was once a thriving little town, and now shops are starting to close down, and crime is getting very bad indeed.
Hardly anyone had a bad word to say, or was derisory about the British National Party, and indeed, three people amongst those who came to show their support, were in fact, card carrying members. The amount of people who were BNP voters was also encouraging, and topics ranging from the war, to crime, immigration, and the economy were all discussed. Information packs also went out, professionally put together by Fund Holder, Gordon Howells. All in all, things look good for this campaign, so next week, the team will be once again getting the message across that the British National Party is the only political party in Britain, willing to say ''Bring Our Boys Home''.
Author: News Reporter