Monday, 13 September 2010

What type of people are in the UAF?

Martin Smith - hater of anything ENGLISH

After reporting on the UAF’s Martin Smith being found guilty of assault on a police officer I thought I’d put a few facts together in one place so you can see what type of scum are in the UAF.

Smith was previously arrested at the EDL’s Bolton protest in March along with UAF joint secretary Weyman Bennett and over 50 UAf members, but was released with no charge.

UAF’s joint secretary, Weyman Bennett has been charged with conspiracy to organise violent disorder at the Bolton protest which could mean up to a 5 year custodial sentence.

At present 15 UAF officers are under investigation and over 200 UAF members have been charged over the last year.

From left to right, Smith, bennett, Tara Kitten (she-male), unknown

Although the UAF are backed by the government and unions they are now considered an embarassment and action is finally being taken against them.

What I find really disturbing is the support from the people who teach our children...

Paul Vernell, joint secretary, South Gloucestershire NUT - The court’s judgement is a warning that we need to redouble our efforts to get the antiracist messsage heard in every workplace and every community. South Gloucestershire NUT therefore will highlight this miscarriage of justice and will invite Martin to a general meeting of its members.

Alasdair Smith, secretary, Islington NUT - I am writing on behalf of Islington NUT to bring a message of support. Please let us know if you have plans to appeal and campaign against the court’s decision. We have an Islington NUT meeting on 29th Sept. If you or a representative is able to speak, please let me know. There is a motion on the agenda to support you.

It’s sickening isn’t it, to know that your children are being taught by violent left-wing thugs.

All material published on these pages represents the personal views of the DERBY PATRIOT and should not be taken to represent any political party.